Month: March 2022

Wow & Wonder # 6


I really enjoyed the content that we analyzed this week. Surveillance capitalism is a very serious issue regarding our society and it is important to recognize how we are being monitored through technology. I thought that the short films that we watched had done a really good job of portraying how concerning and invasive technology will likely be in the near future. I enjoyed watching all of the short films however, my personal favourite is Blaxites. I found it very shocking that the woman’s doctor had access to her social media and was able to deny her any medical prescriptions due to what she posts online. It is certainly scary to consider how social media may have a hold over our rights and can potentially dictate how we live. Obviously, we are not fully there yet, but who’s to say that we are not on that path? With technology advancing at an exponential rate, we should definitely be concerned with our privacy and the information that is collected by corporations.


A few things that I wonder about from overviewing and unpacking this week’s content is, knowing that social media and big corporations are able to access our data and that privacy is somewhat limited, why are we so compliant with giving out information on ourselves? And do the benefits of social media outweigh the cons? (I feel like the second question is more dependent on the individual)

Wow & Wonder # 5


I have found this week’s article, It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda, by Renée DiResta, to be quite fascinating. She had introduced me to the word, ‘ampliganda’ (though it is not necessarily a real word yet). I thought that this concept was interesting and very relevant to how social media sways our perception of news and events. I particularly found it interesting when she had noted that anyone can have an influence. This to me is very true, as it does not matter how many followers one may have, they still hold an influence and are able to alter the opinions of their audiences. While I do believe this to be very intriguing, there is also plenty of room for concern, anyone is capable of spreading misinformation.


One question that arose while reading the article was: How different would the two world wars have been if there was access to the same technology as there is today? With the unfortunate news of Russia posing war on Ukraine, we get to see firsthand how the advancement of technology and social media will have on such events.

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