Month: January 2022

Wow & Wonder #2

In this weeks article, Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, I had found a few points that I had stood out to me. I remember first learning about connectivism through a sociology class I took, so this isn’t my first time gaging the concept. However, I did find the ‘chaos’ concept quite interesting, as it helped me further understand connectivisim, specifically by connecting “everything to everything”. Also, I think that it is really fascinating to undertsand how digital tools have completely changed how we learn, specifically in comparison to the past, where most knowledge was taught through school alone. This has reminded me of conversations I have had with friends where we have discussed how complex learning is today than in the past and that we have learned so much through platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, and Reddit. All this considered, I now wonder where we will be in the future and how learning will be in many years to come. In a society that is so immersed in technology, what is next? How will learning change? Technology has changed so rapidly just over that last decade, so it is probable to think that there will definitely be vast amounts of advancements.

Wow & Wonder # 1

This week, the article that caught my eye, was the Networked society. One of the points made in this article that stood out to me was the mention of 23andMe. I have always been curious to use it to find out more about my ancestry, however I have been skeptical considering that my DNA would be put in a database that could be accessed by unknown people. After reading the article this had made me aware of how this could affect the privacy of not only myself, but my entire family and even future family.

From that same point I wonder what the company’s responsibility is to the client in order to protect their privacy. Also how can they protect the information from potential hackers?

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