Week 2 Blog Post

Which principles did you have in mind when you were creating your screencast this week?

I created a screencast for this week’s lesson and found that the principles of multimedia learning had really improved the structure of learning the content. The screencast I made was of me showing how to read a specific graph for one of my economics classes. I used an app on my Ipad called Goodnotes that allowed me to write and highlight any important information that I wanted to discuss or point at. Reading and understanding certain graphs can be very challenging, so I wanted to use the signaling principle to make the lesson more comprehensible to a viewer. I would highlight any point on the graph that I was referring to and highlight the correlating header on the screen to address the visual and verbal information. I found that this principle was very helpful in distinguishing what is being discussed as it attracts the reader to only focus on one point at a time and not be confused with the other elements on the screen.

Here is an image from my screencast video!

To avoid extraneous load I wanted to also apply the redundancy principle to simplify what is being learned and not distract the viewer from being overwhelmed by the information being presented. In doing so, I avoided adding any extra written information, aside from the headers, as I would be narrating the screencast as well. I believe that the redundancy principle was very beneficial in simplifying the lesson being taught and making the presentation more visually appealing to a learner. As for the signalling principle, I think that this helps to break down the information into smaller sections that allow the learner to focus on one point at a time and follow a more structured path of understanding the given content. Overall I think that incorporating these principles truly improved how a viewer would gather and retain the information being shown.


Week 1 blog post


Week 3 Blog Post

1 Comment

  1. sh2001

    Hi Michelle! It’s great how you already created the screencast and think the signaling principle is a very important to consider when creating lessons for others. Highlighting key points makes it easy for the viewer to understand what areas they should focus on and helps us from being distracted. I agree how the redundancy principle prevents us from information overload and allows us to focus on what information actual matters. All principles are so important to improve the viewing experience as an audience and allows us to retain information better since we are only focused on topics that are within context of the lesson.

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